This page is intended for members to share module ideas. Others may use these designs for inspiration, build them as is, or modify them to suit their needs.
It is hoped that by providing a gallery of ideas it will make it easier for people to build their first module or just expand the library of available modules.
If you decide to build a module, remember to submit your idea to the Design Approval Group through John Scollick at
Contact Mark Mombourquette at if you need a module frame through the club’s build a module service.
If you would like to submit a module idea, send it to Dilip Chinnakonda at

When populating a module with industries, please consider the following club priorities:
Modules that bring a new freight car type into service
Corner modules
Modules that complement the industries on other modules, especially underserved industries
Scenery only modules
For more module ideas visit Journal of Model Railroading

FREEMO MODULE Idea submitted by Mark Mombourquette

A Freemo module comprising of two 3’ modules of standard 24” depth. To download XTrkCAD file, click on this link

The upper half is intended to be a small foundry with shipping on the left, a spot for a sand hopper on the right and further to the right two spots for gondolas of scrap iron. This idea came from Model Railroading, The Ultimate Guide 2022, page39. The bottom half could include a cold storage facility on the left and a generic transload track on the bottom right. A small passenger station could be installed above the upper track at the bottom right of the module.


These 45 degree conventional corner transition module ideas below allow for changing the mainline from a conventional layout to a FreeMo layout or move the conventional mainline from back to front. These modules will support other front to back mainline modules like PGT and allow for greater layout design interest and flexibility







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