This page lists documents relating to the running of the club or Executive level documents including the strategic plan, by-laws and standards while the operations documents lists many resources relating to operations which includes how to put an operating session layout together and its disassembly, and how to wire it. Additional documents describe how trains are built, how to operate trains on your own and under RTC and thottle guides. The Orientation and Layout Designer Handbooks are listed separately on their respective pages. Click on the icons to open the documents in a new window. Just close the window to return to this HOTRAK website page.
The club’s strategic focus areas for the next two years. Go to the document...
Documents that support the running of the club. Go to the documents...
Documents that support train operations. Go to the documents...
Documents that describe mandatory best practices for building modules and ensuring that locomotive and freight cars run smoothly and work well together.
Go to the documents...
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